This little girl was so cute, her grandmother paints the flowers.

Notice the guy in the background, it was called the Palace and boy did they have some good hot dogs

bobby attacking Brandon

Our tribute to American Gothic, notice the Louie bag, (not mine!)

our Ritz Carlton

The week has just flown by. My cough is finally letting up, thank goodness and I finally have time to blog. I was in the country for three days for Paula Deens Magazine with Brandon her assistant, aka creative director for her magazine. He is truly amazing with his talent and energy. We had a great time photographing his friend Sara for the magazine, she will be featured next year in the magazine. Sara was a wonderful artist and decorator, she lives in a house on the same property she was born. She can actually see the house she was born in, this seemed to be a common thing in the country. It was thirty minutes to a Burger King, and I have never seen so many stars. We were put up in a cabin built by Brandons dad, with roosters that woke me up early every morning. I have never seen so much taxidermy, turkeys, bobcats, you name it they hung it. It was so wonderful, it was a really full of good families who just loved being around each other and everyone helped everyone else out. I had a great time, it was kind of nice having no cell phone service, internet, tv. Here are some photos, Brandon secretly wants to be a model I think, we carried the bobcat which we named bobby around with us and took photos of him, I know strange, but with no tv, and no liquor (it is a dry county) we had to entertain each other.