The studio had there first mini sessions. The response was great and Lisa did awesome. Lisas first clients were great clients of mine and it was so much fun, the second set were all boys, six of them! Lisa did two separate minis and did a group one of all of the cousins together, yes there were three on each side. It was a beautiful day yesturday but the knats decided to make an appearance as the day went on. Here are a few from her sessions. Thank you for such a great response. We have another mini on April 14th downtown, anyone interested please contact the studio!

What is so neat about photography is that it helps you remember, I had cousins all about my age that I grew up around, I wish we would have had a photograph like this. Is everyone smiling, no , but it isn't about that, it is about the moment, this is what they were like then and years from now they will look back at this photo and smile.

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