Sunday, August 05, 2007

Mile High

I have been in Denver this weekend for a much needed relief from the heat. Had a great wedding I did for my friend Bart Young ( and decided to take some time and see some friends and family. I ate at this great Mexican restaurant called Blue Bonnet with my cousins. I have had a somewhat bad luck streak this weekend that I am thinking I should just lock myself up somewhere so nothing else happens. Here is what happened and you can tell me. 1. I ran over a blown out tire in my friend Alisas car that she so graciously lent me and it ripped the bottom plastic protective piece under her car, can't wait for that bill. 2. Her dogs in return ate some papers in my bag and my flipflops so now I am hobbling around in my high heal sandels that are blistered from my twelve hour wedding, 3. lost my phone at the wedding last night, ( I was a little over stimulated from excitement of making great images all day) But my luck is looking up, found my phone, Alisa wasn't too upset, and my wedding went great. I need to photograph my family more, these are my cousins.
What is up with this house? What happens when it rains?

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