Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Amy weds Josh

Sunday started out as a miserable rainy day and I just kept thinking of different things I could do with my couple who were getting married in the afternoon, both artist, very very talented artists, and both great to photograph. So right when I was about to go meet her the skys parted! What a wonderful couple, the ceremony had me in tears,his dad married them and even though I did not know the couple it is exactly what I concluded of them on my first meeting, that they were kind and deeply in love.
As I said in there engagement session I wanted to throw myself on the floor and beg them to hire me because I so wanted to photograph them, luckily they liked me and it was a great match. The wedding was full of interesting and talented artists, and if you would like to see some of there work and would like your portrait painted by Amy, ( I am getting one of Alexa) her website is http://amyhahnart.com and her husbands video talents are linked to her website. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear about your adventures to San Francisco.

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