They say you want to make a good first impression, well I met this family when the oldest was five days old. It was May and I had been running around as usual and went out to the Landings, dad works downtown so it is quite a drive back home . I realized though when I was at the door at my new clients house that I had forgotten my camera, how was I going to knock on there door and tell them. I was so embarrassed and thought about just going home but I knew I had to knock on there door, I think not showing up would be worse. At least I did drive out there right? So I knocked and Amy was so excited and dad had just drove up and I had to look at her and say, Hi nice to meet you but I do not have my camera. I think she thought I was kidding. Well I think they were ok because now there little girl is four, I had a good excuse though, it was my first experience with pregnant brain, I was pregnant and did not know it yet. They have such a beautiful family of four!

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