It is hard for me to know where to start when describing Alex. He is one of Scotts best friends from high school and he just amazes me. Eleven years ago almost to the day Scott and I dropped him off at a bus station in San Diego so he could go back to New York, he came out to California at first to get away from the bad stuff he was doing in NJ, well he found it again in California. I remember he came over to Scotts house in San Diego after sleeping for days on the streets and smelled like a garbage can. Fast forward eleven years and two kids later he is an amazing success story, seven years sober he has an great wife and two wonderful kids. I can not imagine how much strength and courage it must take to bring yourself up, but he has done it. He just keeps growing and is such a good friend to Scott and he just is an inspiration to others. Happy 35th Birthday! I am so glad to know you and so glad to spend some time with you.

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