I have been meaning to post more of Tabatha, but have been caught up in Christmas. I don't know if I mentioned in the earlier post that as soon as these two walked in my studio I was in photo love. I just had a great feeling about them. She told me what she wanted and I kept thinking I can do it! I was so hoping they would hire me and I got my wish. Here are a few more from the wedding, the groom was half bad looking either.
I can't believe another baby in my year plan has turned one. B turned one last month and he is just the sweetest and easiest baby to photograph.I have had a great time getting to know this family. After several reschedules, rain, me getting sick we finally were able to meet the 26th. Here are a few from downtown, it is hard to turn any black and white with those gorgeous eyes.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I made it through the Christmas rush and am so excited about the new year. I went into work today like a tornado and threw out tons of stuff. How I manage to collect so much amazes me and the great thing about cleaning is that you find things that you have been looking months for. I have no excuse at the studio like I do at home since Alexa likes to move my things around to new places. She is just tall enough to reach items on dressers and I think it gives her a little rush to get them and hide them on me. She also loves little containers, I could have just given her travel containers for Christmas and she would have been beside herself. Here she is rearranging the cans from the kitchen, I kept hearing this little giggle then I would here her run down the hall. I finally got up and saw this, I was impressed how she managed to arrange them from tallest to shortest. We also gave her a grocery cart which she is in love with, usually I am good at buying her toys when she is just about to grow out of them. 997/3242/320/491477/1.jpg" border="0" alt="" />
Outside light will always be my favorite, but I am starting to like shooting in the studio. These kids were so cute and we had so much fun, and I did warn mom I was going to use creative freedoms and cut part of her childrens heads off. I was delighted when she said that was ok and to be as creative as I wanted to be. yippie. here are a few.
Having a two year old of my own and having photographed many two year olds I think you should get a prize when you are able to capture twin two year olds a) sharing and b) standing still in the same photograph. I had the cutest two year twins the other day and how can you not love Savannah when you can photograph at the beach in December and not be freezing your tail off. I think my dreams of a white Christmas are not going to happen though since it has been about 70 everyday.
How can you not love the way the dad is looking at his two sons melts a mamas heart
Last night I went to a fabulous wedding planned by Sebral Smith. The wedding was at Wesley and the reception at the Jepson Center of the Telfair Museum. Outside they had a cigar tent and the lighting and food were wonderful. The band played all night and the dance floor was never empty. They had lounge chairs all over and of course great artwork from the Telfair. Here are a few photos from the evening. Congratulations Matt and Courtney.
I love this photo of the shoes, the ring was Matts grandmothers
Everyone always says that I must have great photos of Alexa, and I do, but only because I have taken so many. So I went out and tried to photograph her for my Christmas card and this is what i was dealing with at first.
So I felt like alot of moms, I begged, pleaded with her to stand where I wanted her to and tried to convice her how fun this was. She finally came around and i did get my Christmas card which I will send out to you. Here are a few though of ones I did the other day at the park, the leaves are so pretty this time of year. I did have to do some touch up work since she bumps her head on a daily basis.