Even Mrs. Butler made an appearance

Alexa turned two two weeks ago, but we had a little get together Sunday of just a few people. I am always amazed at moms who are so creative at there childs birthdays. I figured I could get away with it for one more year. I was fortunate enough to have Minet Rushing of Custom Cakes make her cake. I love Minet, I do not even like cakes and I will eat hers, she does the most delicious wedding cakes as well. Anyhow, we had a good time and I am glad I did not drive that day because we managed to collaspe a wall trying to get a ball out of the tree outside, our garage door opener had to be put back on, and then our hot water heater went out. So we were scared to touch anything! But bean had a good time, she crashed at 7 and slept very well.

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