I was looking at peoples blogs today, of different photographers and came across one that had me on the verge of tears. Tonight I had just put Alexa to bed and had been wrestling her temper tantrum for a good hour and she finally went to sleep. I found myself slightly annoyed at her and then I read this blog about another photographers three old Ava who passed away on Monday. She apparently lived next door to her in laws and went back and forth. Last weekend she crawled into her family car and it is summer in Australia where she lives and she had locked the doors and could not get out. It made my heart drop, I looked at this woman's blog and saw tons of photos of her. Her moms name is Sheye Rosemeyer, so in your prayers tonight say one for her family. I do not know her, but I thought of little Ava when I went back in Alexas room and gave her extra kisses and thanked God for another day with my baby.
how very very heartbreaking. i just found a quicktime slide show of ava's life- she was beautiful. i will certainly keep them in my prayers and hug my girls a little tighter and a little longer tonight.
i believe happy birthday wishes are due to alexa!
Thankyou so very much.
We can't escape the pain or understand but it gives us comfort to imagine that every parent that hears about our cherished Ava gives their child an extra kiss each day, just for her.
With love and thanks
Sheye Rosemeyer
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