She was so cute and so loved the color pink, ballet, and was nice too. I try to think back at what age I remember, around seven or eight I do remember really well, before that it is pretty much a blur, but what a great age this little girl is at.
In Colorado anyhow. Went hiking yesterday in the mountains of Colorado. Here photographing a wedding then back to Atlanta for a couple days to shoot a corporate gig. Flying all around is so excited but I do terribly miss Scotty and Bean, but it sure is nice for a couple days to not have too much responsibility. Here are a few from my hike, of course being photographers we took lots of pictures.
This is my brother in law and son Colin. The house feels so empty without them. It was an emotional goodbye since he will be shipping out to Iraq for seven months. He is a Navy Seal and we can not wait to see him again, lots of love Clay.
I have been worried lately that I will not remember Alexa at certain stages because you just go day to day and run here run there. So I have been trying to cement in my mind her walking down certain streets, or places so when she is older I can picture her riding down the hallway on her bike, remember the sound of her squeaky grocery cart. And her pink boots she loves.
Scott and I celebrated our 9th anniversary last week. Where did the time go? I hate to say it we do not have that many photos of us. Because usually I am running away from the camera !
These two (the baby was an angel) had me running. Sometimes I feel guilty that I do not work out, but today, I got a work out. They were so cute and it is such a fun age, and they are fast!
I am a sucker for beautiful light, I get so excited I can barly stand it. I am always looking for it, and when you find it, I just have to keep shooting. Here is a great family I have known for a couple years now, and we had great light that evening.
Friday I drove up to Carolina Beach to photograph my cousins wedding. She is not technically my cousin, but she might as well be. It reminds me of Jack Leigh, (photographer extraodinaire who passed in May of 04.) he would call so many people uncle and cousin and I could never figure out the relationship, now I see it does not matter dna, but the special relationship you have with them. My Uncle Jim is one, (the brides father) who met my dad when they were 20 or so in the Navy. I have seen them every summer since I can remember, and my Aunt Carols mom was the first to babysit me at three months. Growing up you never really think about how hard it is for your dad to take off work and travel up to where ever. I was actually kind of grumpy alot of the time, now looking back I treasure those memories. Which is why finally I am getting to the point I would have never missed this wedding for the world, and how special this family is for me.
I met Adam at Scotts cousins wedding in June of 2001 in San Francisco. For some reason I followed him around with the camera (I'll admit it, I thought he was handsome) and took alot of photos of him. I did this one that you see on the blog of him and his friend which ended up around the fence by the World Trade Center. Adam worked at the trade center and lost his life that day. It had such a impact on me seeing that photo in NY. So yesterday and everyday I remember Adam and everyone who lost there lives that day, to appreciate everyday.
Heading back home to work, (Get wisdom tooth pulled) Vacation has been great except I have been shoving Ibprofen down my hatch like they were tick tacs. Nothing worse then a tooth ache, except maybe child birth, but at least from the pain you get a great gift. Maybe the toothfairy will bring me a present. We did have fun with my family though, my dad tried all kids of crazy things for my tooth to stop hurting, stuff he found on the internet like I was an experiment, cloves, gargaling hot baking soda water, telling you folks, some Ibprofen and some beer made it feel the best. Alexa and her cousin had a blast, and I haven't slept so well in weeks.
In Florida for a little r&r, having a great time doing absolutly nothing. Well, we did go to the beach yesterday and walk in the park near my parents house. oh, we also ran up and down hills with alexa.
Sunday started out as a miserable rainy day and I just kept thinking of different things I could do with my couple who were getting married in the afternoon, both artist, very very talented artists, and both great to photograph. So right when I was about to go meet her the skys parted! What a wonderful couple, the ceremony had me in tears,his dad married them and even though I did not know the couple it is exactly what I concluded of them on my first meeting, that they were kind and deeply in love. As I said in there engagement session I wanted to throw myself on the floor and beg them to hire me because I so wanted to photograph them, luckily they liked me and it was a great match. The wedding was full of interesting and talented artists, and if you would like to see some of there work and would like your portrait painted by Amy, ( I am getting one of Alexa) her website is and her husbands video talents are linked to her website. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear about your adventures to San Francisco.