I have seen this on a couple blogs I like to look at. I wasn't sure if I would be able to come up with 100 things, so I am going to give it a try.
100. I have to have two cokes (a cola) by 10am or I am a mess. and they have to be in a can and cold.
99. I like to shop alone, I always have.
98. I am honest
97. I have one brother who is 29 and lives in Naples
96. I was grounded once for saying I was going to All Dogs Go to Heaven and Instead we went to see National Lampoons Christmas. I couldn't look at my dad and lie. I still haven't seen that movie
95. I had my first and last switching in the Georgia mountains, i did deserve it, I threw a major major tantrum
94. I like watching Nancy Grace and First 48
95. I wanted to be an emergency room nurse before a photographer
94. I have a hair phobia, I hate any kind on my soap.
93. I am kind
92. I hate confruntation and avoid it even if it hurts me
91. Went into labor at the BC auction
90. I like to snuggle Alexa at night when she just melts in my arms
89, I have eggs and toast almost everyday
88. I hate dinner
87. I have two other cousins who are photographers
86. I laugh at my own jokes.
85. I am a workaholic
84. I do not like to go on vacation for more than a week at a time.
83. i cried out of fear when I found out I was pregnant, now I can't imagine life without her
82. I love a good cheeseburger
81. I hate green vegtables except peas
80. Although I did crave 45 Bistro salad when I was pregnant, I never have liked salad before
79, I get attached to the families I photograph, they become old friends to me
78, The baby I first photographed and made me love photographing children is 17 now. ugh
77. I sold my first photograph when i was a junior in high school.
76. Pat Priscoe, my art teacher, is the one who made me interested in photography
75. I made a big F on my last paper in college and cried like a big baby to the teacher and told him the sad part was I had actually tried. I think he felt bad for me.
74. I am a morning person
73. I can be a little bossy. (ask brother)
72. I played baseball at 11 and wore pink high tops my mom would give me a snickers bar if I got to first base.
71. I once hit a homerun and it did not even go to the pitcher, they must have been distracted by the shoes.
70. I am not good with details
69. My first car was a 1981 Buick, it took a quart of oil a week to keep it going
68. I did not know you were suppose to change oil until I was 19
67. I wish I was a better host
66. I hate the dentist
65. I wish I could ballroom dance
64. I am shy (I really am unless I have my camera)
63. I love to fly
62. I have a good heart
61. I love my job
60. I love good thunderstorms
59. I lived in San Diego for three months, then came right back to Savannah
58. I love the marsh and water
57. I had my mouth washed out at 7 for calling my friend a naughty word.
56. I am grateful
55. I finally switched from film to digital
54. I wanted a girl so bad
53. I like to daydream about having a house on the water.
52. I miss being in my old house I grew up in
51. i wish I could paint
50. I dream that my teeth are loose
49. I love Savannah
48. I once had my foot ran over
47. I met my husband at 18
46. I take a self portrait of myself in mirrors at weddings to entertain myself
45. I am a horrible speller
44. I like grey goose vodka
45. I love gymnastics when I was little and my one dream was to be able to do a round off backhand spring, never happen, legs are too long.
44. I once had a perm, when I was nine. horrible horrible.
43. I lost my first tooth watching Dukes of Hazard
42. I had two hamsters named Bo and Luke
41. I worked at Chick fli a for two years
40. I tried out for the cheerleading team in high school never made it. (now I am so happy)
39. I am not athletic
38. I hate excercising
37. I want my child to feel safe like I did
36. I do not talk politics.
35. I love to watch a Christmas Story every Christmas, it makes me laugh everytime.
34. I talk in my sleep and sometimes walk
33. I loved college, I had the best time
32. I am grateful for my business doing so well
31. I am sometimes a loner
3o. I am sometimes silly
29. I weigh myself once a year
28. I worked at the Hilton as a room service girl at 18, it is amazing what people open the door in
27. I worked as a 411 operater and wrote down in my journal all of the weird calls, it was more interesting on the night shift
26. My mom worked at the school i went to and I would get sent right outside her door when I was naughty
25. I used to love the band Roxette
24. I loved being able to see the moon outside my bedroom growing up, I still look for that same angle now in windows.
23. I used to fake being asleep so I could stay in bed with my mom and watch moonlighting
22. I don't photograph my own family as much as I like
21. i went to Paris on my honeymoon
20. I get my feelings hurt easy
19. i read into things too much
18. I am trying to worry less and enjoy the moment
17. I am always thinking of how I can make my business better
16. I love getting my husband to laugh so hard he crys
15. I broke my pinky when i was nine and my parents did not believe me because i was such a winer
14. i love light
13. I take a photograph almost everyday
12. I still feel 15 with more bills!
11. I miss having alexa in my belly and feeling her move
10. I will never forget the first moment i saw her
9. I cried everytime I saw the Baby Story for a week after.
8. I won tickets to a horse show from a radio staiton by calling in, I figured out they did it every morning at the same time.
7. I am like a tornado when I come home
6. I hate feet
5. i love my family
4. I am ambitious
3. I never had a real date to prom how will I ever go on
2. I am patient
1. I never do these things, but that was kind of fun. It was a little hard.